Minestrone Riviera

Dauer: 20 Min
Level: Einfach


4 Portionen
400 g planted.pulled Riviera 
220 ml Minestrone broth
2 potatoes 
2 tbsps olive oil 
1⁄5 bunch dill 
1⁄5 bunch flat-leaf parsley
¼ tsp salt

Produkte in diesem Rezept

7.95 CHF
36.14 CHF je 1 kg
Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten (Lieferbedingungen beachten)
7.95 CHF


Boil the potatoes in salted water until they are cooked.
Remove the skin and cut the potatoes into small cubes of about 3 cm, season with olive oil and a little salt.
In a pan with a little olive oil, slowly cook the planted.pulled Riviera over a very low heat for one to 2 minutes.
In a large bowl or deep plate, centre the potato pieces, cover with the planted.pulled Riviera and garnish with fresh herbs.
Finally, carefully add 3-4 tbsps of cold or hot minestrone stock around the edge of the plate.

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