09 Jan 2024

Planted revolutionizes with new lyoner cold cuts

1 minutes reading time
A charcuterie platter without Lyoner? A visit to the butcher without lyoner greeting to say goodbye to the little ones? In Switzerland unimaginable. Thanks to Planted, the plant-based version is now the new standard. The Swiss foodtechstartup is launching a plant-based version in time for Veganuary its first plant-based clean-label lyonnaise-style cold cuts. With the new planted.aufschnitt Lyoner, Planted is opening up completely new culinary perspectives for flexitarians in Switzerland, especially in ready-to-eat areas such as breakfast, Z'Vieri and snacks, which have not been adequately served to date. The Lyoner expands Planted's existing plant-based meat range and enables a holistic eating experience throughout the day.
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