The Planted webshop closes on March 31, 2025 or while stocks last. More info here

This is how our products are made

The main production of our meat is located in a glass house in Kemptthal, Switzerland - the first transparent meat production facility open to the public. We combine science with innovative production techniques.

Planted uses only natural ingredients
No additives.
No artificial colors.
No artificial flavors.
No E-numbers.
No flavor enhancers.
No harmful substances.
In a word,
No Bulls***.

Our production process

Old method

New process

Feed and kill animals
Omit animals and produce meat scientifically from plants.
less C02e
less water
Required for the production of planted.chicken compared to the average production of chicken meat.


  • Harvest

    The natural raw materials (e.g. peas, sunflowers, soy) for our meat are harvested by European farmers.

  • Flour from plants

    Our partners process the rich harvest into nutrient-rich flour - the optimal mix
    of plant proteins and fibers for further processing in our facilities in Kemptthal (CH).

  • Extrusion

    The flour mixture is put into the extruder where we mix it with water and rapeseed oil , knead and heat it.
    The technology of extrusion makes it possible to transform vegetable proteins into a fibrous, elongated form, like that of animal
    muscle fiber.

  • Fermentation

    Fermentation allows us to produce larger, more complex, juicier and more tender cuts, as well as adding important micronutrients like vitamin B12.

  • Cutting

    Depending on the product, the fibrous meat is cut into bite-sized pieces.

  • Marinate

    Depending on the product, we then add
    the appropriate marinade, which consists only of natural ingredients (such as spices, herbs, oil or lemon juice).

  • Packing

    To ensure the shelf life and quality of our meat, everything is hygienically and safely packed and prepared for the journey to the kitchens of the world.


In terms of taste, naturalness and health, it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet consumer demands. Traditional nutritional approaches will no longer suffice in the medium to long term - and that is precisely why we use biology as inspiration to create the meat of the future.

Inspired by nature, we combine proprietary extrusion and fermentation technologies, using only natural ingredients. In doing so, we design and structure plant-based proteins in every size, shape and fibrous texture, and believe that in the future, plant-based proteins will surpass animal-based meats in taste, sustainability, health, efficiency and price. We are committed to using only natural ingredients and no additives in all of our products. In doing so, we are setting an entirely new standard in the plant-based category, making it a truly healthy and sustainable option for all. Truly better than meat from animals.

Save the world with us!

Scientific collaborations

Plant-Based & Clean
  • General

    We are constantly experimenting with different plant proteins available for our meat. We see ourselves much more as a protein company than a "pea company".

  • Protein

    Proteins not only fulfill vital functions in the human body, but their functionality is also crucial for the fibrous structure of our meat. Due to the shearing and thermal treatment during the extrusion process, the proteins arrange themselves in meat fiber-like structures and solidify, as we know from protein solidification.

  • Pea protein

    Currently, we mainly use the protein of the yellow pea - pisum sativum - which contributes to a healthy diet due to its complete amino acid profile. Legumes, which include peas, can fix nitrogen in the soil in symbiosis with soil bacteria and therefore usually manage without additional nitrogen fertilizer.

  • Soy protein

    Soy is an excellent vegetable protein, both in terms of nutrition and processing. However, you can rest assured that we only work with sustainable, non-GMO soy that comes exclusively from European sources, so no tropical forests had to be cut down.

  • Sunflower protein

    Sunflower protein contributes to the formation of long fiber structures, provides a subtle nutty flavor and gives the product a darker color. By using sunflower protein, we make use of the circular economy, as we give the pressed pellets from sunflower oil production a second life.