09 Jan 2024

A cold cut without compromise: Planted makes revolutionary waves with its first cold cut 

4 minutes reading time

Just in time for Veganuary, the Swiss food tech startup Planted is launching its first plant-based cold cuts, expanding the culinary offering for flexitarians in Switzerland. The planted.slices Lyoner is now available at Coop. The product consists of only natural ingredients, making it the cleanest lyoner cold cut. It has a convincing taste and is ecologically exemplary: compared to its animal counterpart, the plant-based lyoner saves 34 percent CO2 and 51 percent water. This pioneering product launch marks Planted's entry into the charcuterie category.


A charcuterie platter without lyoner? A visit to the butcher without a lyoner greeting for the little ones? In Switzerland unimaginable. Thanks to Planted, the plant-based version is now the new standard. The Swiss foodtech start-up is launching its first plant-based, clean-label lyoner-style cold cuts in time for Veganuary. With the new planted.slices Lyoner , Planted is opening up completely new culinary perspectives for flexitarians in Switzerland, particularly in ready-to-eat areas such as breakfast, in-between meals and snacks, which have not been adequately served up to now. The Lyoner expands Planted's existing plant-based meat range and enables a holistic eating experience throughout the day.


The focus of Planted's philosophy is the absence of additives. The aim is to create sustainable, tasty and healthy plant-based products and set a new standard in this emerging category. Over 65 scientific research and product development experts at Planted's head office in Kemptthal (Switzerland) are continuously working to take plant-based food technology to a new level.  


Ready to be put on top: the cleanest cold cut, without compromising on taste 

The Planted Lyoner cold cut proves that quick snacks can also be a place for innovation. More and more people are striving to achieve a healthier and more sustainable diet and would therefore like to reduce their consumption of animal meat. But when it comes to cold cuts, consumers often resort to traditional meat products. Planted has created the solution to this with its new Lyoner: a plant-based cold cut with excellent taste, authentic texture and only natural ingredients, which include pea protein, rapeseed oil, water, spices, yeast, salt and vitamin B12. That's it!  


The Planted Lyoner cold cut therefore offers a much more sustainable and healthy option, not only in the catefory of plant-based meats, but also compared to an animal-based Lyoner. Using only natural ingredients, it is the cleanest cold cut on the market and contains less saturated fat, no additives and more protein than its animal equivalent.  An additional fermentation step in the production process developed specifically by Planted gives the Lyoner its excellent taste profile; it tastes like the animal original and offers the same top-class eating experience. The plant-based Lyoner is also environmentally sound: compared to its animal counterpart, it creates 34% less CO2 and uses 51% less water. 


Meeting the needs of consumers are a central driving force for Planted with regard to developing new products. "Our goal is to support people in enabling them to easily have a meat-free diet, without compromise and with purely natural ingredients – and this doesn’t stop with tackling Switzerland's most popular cold cut, the Lyoner," emphasises Pascal Bieri, co-founder of Planted.  


The Planted Lyoner cold cut is particularly suitable for flexitarians who value taste and environmental awareness. From sandwiches to elaborate charcuterie platters as an aperitif – the possible uses are diverse and invite you to discover new flavour combinations again and again.  


Now available exclusively at Coop 

The planted.slices Lyoner is now available throughout Switzerland exclusively at Coop, for a price of CHF 3.95 (80g).  


New packaging: Planted shines with a new look  

Planted has decided to focus on the colour purple and has adapted all its packaging across its markets accordingly. The new packaging features attractive recipe images and clearly focuses on the company's unique selling point: 100% natural ingredients.  

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