planted.pulled Pastor

Duration: 20 Min
Level: Easy
Made by: Lara from food4life
Lara's ( passion for a healthy and sustainable way of eating is also reflected in her work as an independent recipe developer and food photographer. It is her passion to create new recipes, arrange them tasty and photograph them in a suitable setting. It fulfills her to inspire her fellow men with creative recipe combinations to a varied and fresh way of eating.


2-3 Servings

planted.pulled with pastor sauce
400 g
planted.pulled Nature
1 pastor sauce
2 tbsp oil
3 tbsp water 


ripe pineapple finely diced
fresh coriander, coarsely chopped
red onion, finely chopped
lime juice
some salt + pepper



2 ripe pineapples
1/2 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
1/2 lime, juice
finely chopped cherry tomatoes
salt + pepper


Heat olive oil in a pan, 400g planted.pulled Nature for 3-5 Min. roast. Meanwhile, mix spice mixture with 3 tbsp water and 2 tbsp olive oil, then add to planted.pulled , mix well and continue frying for 2-3 Min. Season with a few drops of lime juice before serving.
Filling: pineapple, cilantro, onions dressing
Warm the tortillas in a pan.
Arrange the warm tortillas with the planted.pulled and a generous spoonful of filling.
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