Pepper planted.steak with French fries

Duration: 60 Min
Level: Medium


For how many people?
Onions (for the onion stock)
vegan butter
pickled peppercorns
vegan cream
French fries
Potatoes (Agria)
Oil for deep-frying
Vegetable oil


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into 4 mm thin slices and then into strips. Rinse with water, blanch for 3 minutes and then freeze at -20°C for about an hour.
  2. For the stock, peel the onions, cut into thin strips and fry in a little oil until golden brown. Pour in water until everything is covered and simmer for about 45 minutes. Pass through a sieve.
  3. Temper the steaks, remove from the packaging, pat dry to remove excess moisture.
  4. Peel the shallots and cut into small cubes, set aside.
  1. Season the steak generously on both sides with salt and pepper.
  2. Fry the steak in a pan with a little vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side until a golden crust forms.
  3. Remove the steak from the pan and place in the oven at 100°C while you prepare the sauce.
  4. Add half the butter to the pan until it foams, then add the shallot and peppercorns and fry lightly.
  5. Add the cognac and flambé everything.
  6. Deglaze with the onion stock and reduce by half.
  7. Add the cream.
  8. Dilute the cornflour with a little water and stir into the sauce to achieve the right consistency.
  9. Preheat the oil in a pan to deep-fry the chips.
  10. Deep-fry the frozen chips at 180°C until golden brown.
    Drain on kitchen paper and season with salt.
  11. Heat the remaining butter in a pan until it foams,
    Add the steak and baste with the butter to finish the steak roast.
  12. Leave to rest for a few minutes.

  1. Place the steak in the center of the plate and add the pepper sauce to half of the steak.
  2. Serve with the crispy chips.
  3. It goes very well with a fresh green salad.

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