planted.chicken Filet Mediterranean cous cous

Duration: 30 Min
Level: Easy


For how many people?
planted.chicken Filet Mediterranean
150 g
Couscous, cooked according to packet instructions
150 g
Cherry tomatoes, halved
50 g
Kalamata olives, pitted and halved
20 g
Desalted capers
50 g
red onion, thinly sliced
100 g
Cucumber, diced
50 g
green baby peppers (friggitelli), cut into slices
5 g
fresh oregano, chopped
10 g
fresh basil leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
100 g
vegan yogurt
Juice of 1 lemon
30 g
extra virgin olive oil
10 g
fresh mint, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a small bowl, squeeze half a lemon, add a little olive oil, salt, pepper and some freshly chopped herbs, salt and pepper and half a clove of grated garlic. Add the vegan yogurt and place in the fridge.
  2. Cook the couscous (or other grains to taste) according to the packet instructions and set aside.
  3. In a frying pan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat, sauté the friggitelli until lightly burnt and season with salt. Set aside.
  4. In a bowl, mix the cold couscous with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and a pinch of lemon zest. Mix the couscous with the vegetables.
  5. That Filet in a hot pan for 2-3 minutes on each side roast. Place on a cutting board and cut into 7-8 pieces with an angled knife.
  6. Place the sliced Filet on top of the couscous salad, drizzle with a little yogurt sauce and enjoy!

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