Club sandwich with hummus

Duration: 20 Min
Level: Easy


1 Servings
Club sandwich
50g planted.pulled Spicy Herbs
2 slices bread of choice (eg. Rye whole wheat bread)
1 handful fresh mixed leaf lettuce (arugula, batavia, spinach, cress, clover)
2tbsp hummus (see preparing hummus)

200g chickpeas, cooked
1 tbsp tahini paste
1 tbsp olive oil
2tbsp water
½ lemon, juice
1 clove garlic, pressed
Salt, pepper, some cumin
1 small bunch chives

Products in this recipe

Spicy Herbs
7.95 CHF
36.14 CHF per 1 kg
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs (please note delivery conditions)
7.95 CHF


Place all hummus ingredients except the chives in a blender jar.  
Blend for at least 1 minute to make a creamy hummus.  
Add a little more water (or oil) depending on the desired consistency.  
Wash and chop the chives. Add to the hummus and mix in by hand.
Heat a frying pan with a little oil and fry the planted.pulled chimichurri on medium heat. Reduce heat after 5-6 minutes.
Toast the bread slices. Spread 1 tablespoon of the hummus on each side of the bread slices.  
Then place one slice of bread on a plate and top with lettuce and planted.pulled chimichurri. Place the second slice of bread on top. If necessary, use a toothpick to secure.

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