Planted Carbonara

Duration: 60 Min
Level: Easy
Made by: Restaurant EGGS Rome
One of the most famous carbonara restaurants in Rome has decided to reinterpret this recipe in a 100% vegetable version.


For how many people?
yellow date tomatoes
Pine nuts
Tonnarelli pasta with curry

Products in this recipe

7.95 CHF
36.14 CHF per 1 kg
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs (please note delivery conditions)
7.95 CHF


  1. To replace the egg cream, fry the yellow date tomatoes in a little oil in a pan. Stir with a whisk and then pass through a sieve to obtain a smooth, homogeneous sauce.
  2. As a substitute for the pecorino cheese, toast the pine nuts and grind them into a coarse powder after cooling.
  3. To imitate the crispy part of the "bacon", first dry the planted.pulled Nature in the oven and then fry it in hot oil and pepper it.
  4. Once the pasta is cooked, dress it with all the ingredients. Visually it will look like a traditional carbonara, but the taste will be that of an exquisite, flavorful pasta.

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